The Best News!

Those of you who follow us on Instagam will have already seen the post we shared earlier today. But I wanted to write a quick update about things moving forward with Aurora. As of today, we have officially confirmed that Aurora is back in remission after her first round of R-ICE chemotherapy! Last Monday after…

Count Recovery.

I finally got back to The Marsden yesterday after spending a week at home with our two youngest, and it was harder than ever to leave them behind. This year is getting harder and harder as it goes on, and I’m constantly asking how much longer I can keep it all together for. We want…

City of Hope..

So yesterday evening we opted for a second opinion on Aurora’s treatment from City of Hope Hospital in California. After reading her notes through and the history of her disease progression they discussed the best course of action they felt moving forward. CAR-T Cell therapy has been primarily used in the treatment of Acute Lymphoblastic…