I haven’t blogged in a while, but it’s been a whirlwind week. Those who have been following Aurora’s story will know that our plan was to wait for count recovery to harvest T-Cells for CAR-T therapy, but due to the aggressive nature of her disease, Aurora’s counts never come up and so we had no…

Loose Ends

On Wednesday Aurora was admitted back to The Marsden where they planned to take new samples of her bone marrow to gather a new baseline. GOSH were due their inspection on Friday, and her consultant wanted to hold out for the opportunity of CAR-T which everyone currently considers her best hope. Unfortunately, it was unsuccessful….

Back to the Beginning again.

I’ve been trying really hard to pull myself out of this negative wormhole I seem to be living in, but I can’t. I feel angry, frustrated and scared for my little girl and what all of this means for her. People keep saying stay strong and think positive, but I was doing all of that…

Lymphoma Limbo: CAR-T Cell

My gut wasn’t going last night which I took as a good sign. I always know when something bad is coming, because my stomach does flips and I have to run to the toilet to be sick now.  We’d already been booked in to meet with Aurora’s consultant to sign consent for her next course…