Day 30: First Walk!

A new month brought a new host of dramas and a new mountain of emotions. Aurora was up every couple of hours on the toilet, and had an accident in the bed at 3:30am which meant having to change all of her sheets, whilst trying to be silent so as not to wake the others….

Day 29: X-Ray

Aurora woke up at 4:00am, and cried when her lips had stuck together and ripped apart again. It meant soaking her lips again in the middle of the night to try and find some relief, and smothering them in Vaseline to help. Her temperature was still at 38.8°  through the night and it seemed to…

Day 28: Room Move

The doctor came in and reviewed Aurora, but didn’t need to make changes at the moment. She would still continue with antibiotics, antifungals, anti-sickness, morphine, omeprazole, 3 types of laxatives, creaming her skin, and keeping on top of the sore lips and mouth… By midday we had been told that we were moving on to…

Day 27: Hair Loss

The morning started with Aurora calling me to help with getting to the toilet but her lips had fused together when she was asleep and led to her ripping half of her top lip off. There seemed to be blood everywhere, and I wrapped her in gauze and called for the nurse. We’d been told…

Day 26: Wobbly teeth

It was the same all over again and Rory was up all night, crying in pain with her stomach. She needed to go, but every time she sat on the toilet, nothing would come out. We tried everything all over again, and it took hours. All night she cried, but eventually in the early hours…

Day 25: Laxatives

Rory had been up in the night in pain with her stomach again and despite taking laxatives almost every day, she still wasn’t able to go. She’d been up all night trying, but was blocked up and only overflow seemed to come out. It’s honestly a smell that could turn any stomach. When the urine…

Day 24: Medication Error

Aurora was still in pain. She was still doubled over with her stomach and her mouth and throat were getting no better. The morphine seemed to be barely making a dent despite her pressing her button what seemed like every 10 minutes every day. She curled up in bed, and didn’t want to do anything…

Day 23: Feelings back home

Aurora barely slept. Her stomach cramps had meant that she had been up and down on the toilet all night, but struggled to go. Throughout the night we’d tried leg exercises to help her go to the toilet but this didn’t help at all. We were both tired and Aurora cried all night that she…

Day 22: Rashes

The night before, the doctor had come to check her over and agreed to continue with the treatment as it was. She said that Cycle 1 was usually the most difficult, but she couldn’t be certain as all kids were different. It made me feel slightly better that it hopefully wouldn’t get any worse, but…

Day 21: Fatigue

Aurora was up again all night with a stomach ache, temperature and pains in her mouth. She could no longer swallow, so spent the day spitting out what ever saliva built up in her mouth, but this hurt equally as much when i tried to wipe her lips up. The bottom layer of her tongue…